
Boosting Retail Revenue With Omnichannel Communication

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Boosting Retail Revenue With Omnichannel Communication

The traditional retail sector is under immense pressure. And that pressure is coming from all angles. Faced with an abundance of choices, consumers are becoming increasingly selective. They want affordable, high-quality products backed by satisfying customer experiences and outstanding customer support. They will quickly abandon retailers who cannot deliver on all three fronts.

This is all supported by convincing statistics. 52% of consumers will switch to a competitor after one negative experience (Zendesk). Research also suggests that 60% of consumers have purchased from one brand over another because they believe it will provide better service. And a big part of this better service is effective omnichannel messaging and management. 70% of consumers expect customer support agents they interact with to have full context - that means a detailed understanding of past communications and purchases, no matter what channel they occurred in (Zendesk).

In retail, smooth, satisfying omnichannel experiences are crucial. Technology like EDC’s Conversational AI platform makes delivering them easier than ever. Today, 80% of organizations expect to compete primarily on customer experience (Gartner). Are you equipped to do so?

Improve customer engagement with personalized omnichannel experiences.

Consumers’ digital behavior has evolved significantly over the last decade. In the past, when mobile devices were less powerful and less widespread, offering a good website experience was enough. Now, the proliferation of mobile technologies and consumers' willingness to switch between devices to complete tasks means retailers must offer a connected, consistent experience across all channels.

While this can be a challenge, it is also an opportunity. Retailers who can deliver personalized experiences across multiple channels - whether that is on the website, in an app, over messaging apps, or in-store - drive greater customer engagement and loyalty. A study conducted by the Harvard Business Review revealed that omnichannel shoppers are more loyal to brands. They are also more valuable - their online purchases are worth 10% more than single-channel customers, and they spend more with each additional channel used.

Achieving high-quality, consistent omnichannel experiences is only possible with the right technology. EDC’s Conversational AI tools enable retailers to engage customers with personalized, interactive messaging across many different channels.

Drive sales with proactive two-way messaging

Two-way messaging is also an essential part of this process. It enables retailers to reach customers with marketing messaging and communications at the optimal time and through the customer’s preferred channel. EDC’s Conversational AI solution features two-way messaging capabilities that enable businesses to interact with customers in a more and more personalized way.

By using specific customer behaviors and actions (such as leaving items in the online shopping cart or making a purchase) as triggers, brands can send messages directly to customer’s device, influencing outcomes and increasing revenue. These triggers are highly effective in increasing conversion rates, reducing cart abandonment, and engaging customers through their preferred channel.

Optimize operations and reduce costs with EDC’s Conversational AI

In some cases, retailers shy away from delivering omnichannel experiences because they think it will be overly complex or costly. With the right technological solutions, this simply isn't true. EDC’s conversational AI tool is intuitive, easy to integrate, and with a simple pricing structure. It enables brands to optimize their real-time customer communication capabilities, simplifying operations rather than complicating them. As a result, it improves efficiency and makes it easy to implement two-way messaging across all touchpoints.

Omnichannel retail experiences with EDC

The retail sector is moving rapidly, embracing digital technology and omnichannel tools at a phenomenal rate. In a highly competitive marketplace, brands are fighting for the attention of increasingly demanding consumers and must strive to meet customer needs across all channels. Succeeding in this environment requires technology that enables real-time conversational interactions—providing automated responses where needed while maintaining the ability to engage customers naturally. EDC’s Conversational AI tools allow you to deliver interactive, targeted, and personalized communications across customers' preferred channels, helping you gain a competitive edge.

Learn more about EDC’s Conversational AI tools.